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“LAKE” an animated short film by Aladdin Gomaa
Germany 2021
3 min


A community of fishermen settled peacefully for ages by a Lake, when suddenly a group of intruders come to the Lake and take over the fishermen’s boats and put the boats to a strange use.
The main character tries to resist and stands up against the intruders, but he could not put an end to the situation.
The fishermen eventually give up and settle for what the intruders are doing with their boats, except of the main character who refuses to be transformed, but he leaves the community and departs far away from the Lake.


It is about the transformation of human thoughts and Individual and community level concepts.

Festival Screening

Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis


Directed by: Aladdin Gomaa
Music production & sound design by: Conan
Story: Aladdin Gomaa & Rana Nasser


From 01.31.2020 to 02.03.2020 the annual exhibition of the art school “HBKsaar” took place in the Handwerkergasse in Völklingen in Germany. As part of this exhibition, Aladdin Gomaa showed the storyboard of film “LAKE”.